VideoCast Episode 1 – The Goal of Our Spiritual Project


In this webcast, we’re going to take on a monthly spiritual project. These projects will be fairly simple actions we can take together each month to make progress in one area of spirituality – one room of our Inner Abbey. But before we launch into these spiritual projects, let’s step back and examine the ultimate goal of all our spiritual “labor.”

We’ll explore:
<li>What is Heaven – and what is it not?</li>
<li>Some common myths about Heaven (even believed by some Catholics) and the truths that combat them.</li>
<li>Based on our clarified understanding of Heaven, how do we get there (it’s not about “being good”)?</li>
<li>What is holiness (and how we can become holy even when we keep messing up).</li>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>Click Here to View the Show Notes</p>

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